Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Harry Potter 8?

I sure hope not.

I know I know "how could you say that!" "don't you love Harry?" "blah blah blah"

I would love more than anything to see a new Harry Potter book! Next generation, the Marauders and the like but just think about it! It physically can't happen!

The movies are filmed already so what would happen if in 5 years JKR is all "OH! I have a new Harry Potter book!"
that would mean either a 25 year old Dan as Harry, or new actors.
This mysterious "9th movie" would be so disconnected from the other 8th and we all know would never exceed SS.

JKR has stated on many occasions that a new book will not be written but I know she secretly writes about them and I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for her to pick up her pen and write "Book 8."

If you were wondering what lead to this Post-

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" ~Albus Dumbledore