Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Harry Potter 8?

I sure hope not.

I know I know "how could you say that!" "don't you love Harry?" "blah blah blah"

I would love more than anything to see a new Harry Potter book! Next generation, the Marauders and the like but just think about it! It physically can't happen!

The movies are filmed already so what would happen if in 5 years JKR is all "OH! I have a new Harry Potter book!"
that would mean either a 25 year old Dan as Harry, or new actors.
This mysterious "9th movie" would be so disconnected from the other 8th and we all know would never exceed SS.

JKR has stated on many occasions that a new book will not be written but I know she secretly writes about them and I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for her to pick up her pen and write "Book 8."

If you were wondering what lead to this Post-

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" ~Albus Dumbledore

Monday, August 16, 2010

The King, of Rock 'n' Roll

Elvis died today, 33 years ago.
After a long hard battle with drugs and food, Elvis died of what some people would call, a drug overdose.

TONS of people laugh at him for dieing on the toilet, I think its very sad and shameful that a man who went through so much in his life, has to be remembered in such a disrespectful way.

Elvis was found on the floor of the bathroom in a pool of his own vomit; choking on his swollen tongue.

The King gone. At only 42 years old.

Please, rest in peace, Mr. Presley. We love you oh so very very much and hope that you are well, where ever you are! (if you are... any where...)

~lessthanthree Alyssa~

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Annoying Things

You know whats annoying?


hm... what's wrong with the first picture?

OH THAT'S RIGHT! there's not comment section!!!

and i have seen other Blogs where you click "post comment" and it take you to a different page, BUT YOU CAN STILL COMMENT!

I just wanted you to see the problem. Does anyone else have it too?


Monday, August 9, 2010

could this be the end?

When I found out about BEDA I was excited to blog 31 times in one month.

But I forgot that I am with my Dad for weekends at a time and he doesn't have internet. And going on blogspot is pretty difficult on my phone.

So I will not lable my post BEDA any more seeing as they aren't BEDA related... most or less just posts.

So you keep posting Rach, and I'll keep commenting on your post with a new Blog post of my own!

(I saw Toy Story 3 three times!!! the first was at the mid night showing! and I cried the first 2 times. Why not the last you ask? because I drank to much Dr. Pibb and I REALLY had to use the bathroom. So I couldn't cry. But I wanted too.)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I might want to post this soon... 15 more minutes in the day!
ok that's it.

Last Googled- .... yeah i didnt use google...
Last video- STEVE KARDYNAL DOES WARPED by Steve Kardynal

yep. exciting!!!!!!!!!


CRAP! i missed yesterday because my brother hogged the computer!
so i'll just post 2 today!!!!!!!
This post will be more... bloggish.... i guess.
Wasn't very exciting.
I went to Civic for about an hour and a half and I worked on my Scene with Jill(instructor) and Mike (scene partner) before I had to leave to almost die! i mean... Cheernastics. but its still the same thing.
Apparently I knew my lines! So thats a step up!!!!!!!!
But Cheernastics (gymnastics) was a totally different story!
Its one step forward and two steps back for me! When I got there I was shaky and I couldn't even jump! So I guess I had a panick attack? I don't know. But I felt better when I went to the bathroom and listen to Airplanes (that song calms me down and I can do my back handspring if i listen to it. dont ask why)
I didn't do as well as I would have hoped..... but there's still next week!

lets hope today brings more for the next BEDA!

last googled...... hmmmm i dont know
last ate- sushi!!
last watched on youtube- Back To LA (the future) by jasonmundaymusic

Monday, August 2, 2010


Waiting For Lefty- a short 1 act play written by Clifford Odets
Act 1, Scene 1. THAT is my scene.
OF COURSE! I always pick the wrong scene. This one is MUCH better than the last one, (though the last scene i was partnered with this really cute guy, but anyway! i'll talk about my other scene in a different post)
I, of course, am Edna, while Mike is Joe.
Its about making a union and how their lives suck because they are in poverty or something. (silly me, i don't really know)
Maybe I'll have my dad record it so that I can put it up here if I ever get the scene memorized!
I did however find it on youtube, and that helps a lot (heaps for those who talk differently.) (xP)
this post is quite boring but I felt the need to write it!
oh I'm also adding stuff at the bottom such as , what I last googled, last watched on youtube, and I'll through a 3rd in every so often!

Last Googled- Blog Every Day in August
Last saw on Youtube- Rambo Phone, Eating Healthy and Solo Album by theryanseiler

Last ate- Easy Mac

( Dear Rach,
Its your just your blog. I can comment on any other persons blog BUT YOURS!!!!
Love, Alyssa)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ok lets try this.

(Blog Every Day in August)
Let's see if I can do this. It's currently 11:40pm so I still have time for the 1st!?! right?
I'll try to blog. even if its useless seeing as I'm am only talking to you, Rach!
But let's see how this goes, alright?
yeah! OHHHHHHHHH my father said I CAN go to Oz. but that was it. *shrug* maybe one day!!!!
I'll probably put my showcase on here or something just to get it on here!
I'll have to put my monologue on here too!!



Monday, May 31, 2010

"oh.. .it does.... haha"

I was "kindly" informed that my URL has the word whore in it.
I want to point out that unfortunately, i did not do that intentionally, although, i now wish i had.


P.S.- this is all you're getting because i really never ever know what to write to one person!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Different? I don't know what to call it...

Ever wish you were sometime you're not?
well of course you have! I have ALWAYS (and i know this sounds weird...) but ever since I was little I wanted to be goth... yeah yeah I know I know. But not like those, read the scary poems, listen to scary music type thing. Just the clothes. Well... maybe... I don't know... One day was was bad and believe it or not a wrote a poem about it! The angry came from a Chicken Soup story about these 3 girls that were goth, and whenever they would wear the clothing they would get dirty looks, and employees would treat them differently then when they came back in their jeans and t-shirts. I never really finished the poem, or gave it a name. But I will try to do such things for the purpose of putting it on here. Nevermind. No name.

I wish i could wear all the bracelets you do
The skirts, the shirts, the funky updo,
The fishnets on arms, the fishnets on legs,
The knee-high black lace-ups my parents would dread
Low-cut plaid jackets, a small red lip ring,
Chokers and rings and black metal things
I'll take the rude comments, the looks, the stares
The gawking, the whispers, and even the glares
I wish I could wear all the make up you do
The eyeliner, black lipstick, the earrings too
The dangling chains, ripped stockings and socks
Black nail polish on hands and dark red dyed locks
I don't want to fit in or blend in with the crowd
I don't want to be different, strange, or unproud
That's where I ended it, mostly 'cause I just stopped writing, and even now I don't know how to end it. I started reading about what it means to be Gothic. And i do feel like it's mean, (not like in a creepy way). Some guy, PreZ put this up
"Most goths become goths because they have been spurned by 'normal' society because the way they want to live their lives does not fit in with how most people are told to live theirs. Goths are free thinkers, people who do not accept the moral rules of society because they're told 'This is just how it is' or 'This is what God says!'. Rather goths tend to listen to what you have to say, and make up their own mind. This kind of free thinking and rejection of dogma earns only rejection in today's society."
and if you haven't been listening/reading. That's me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


A Very Potter Musical is the coolest thing since toilet paper! I-I can't explain how much joy and laughter these guys(and girls) down at StarKid have given me and plenty others!
After reading the last Harry Potter book I, we, wanted more. Well AVPM gave us that! Making it OK to be a geek! :P If you've never heard of StarKid or AVPM then you HAVE to go to their website! For the very few.... sorry getting a little optimistic there, for me myself and I, the people who read this blog, that you HAVE to go and watch it! Even if you are Team Edward or Jacob or you're a muggel or whatever! JUST GO!!!!!!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Poem #2

This poem is about a real life event that could only be expressed via poem! I also submitted it into Chicken Soup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it really doesnt have a name.... there are so many that i've thought of..... i'll just call it
Just A Dirty War
It was last year
And we became friends
But in a flash
It came to an end

You may ask why
But it's not that easy
Because she lied
Oh how sleazy

She had us fooled
Eating out of her hand
What should I do?
Should I take a stand?

I wasn’t alone
Though it seems unfair
I didn’t think then
I just didn’t care

We sit in the office
Her, Gabby and I
Wondering what to say
Just wondering why

I start having doubts
“Will she tell the truth?”
She better start now
Cause we have proof

The councilor walks in
She asks to start
As I tell my side
Hoping I sound smart

All of her lies
About to unfold
She starts to cry
Hey she was told!

Gabby goes next
This story again
More of the truth
I could go insane

When Gabby is done
And the story is told
She begins hers
It’s sounding so old

Speaking through tears
Sounds so very hard
Like writing a poem
Or simply helping a bard

The councilor speaks
But only for a little
Trying to get our story
Beginning, end and middle

She says she is sorry
But can I believe it?
Lying so much
It just doesn’t fit

We say out goodbyes
Leaving not as friends
Just as we were
Up to the end

It wasn’t right of her
To lie like that
But was it right
To make that attack

Now I think no
But then I thought yes
I should not have put
Her through that mess

We can’t be friends
And I’m fine with that
But this crown on my head
Is going flat

I want to apologize
I want to say sorry
But Evalyn and me
We broke off to harshly

My story ends here
But yours still may start
If this happens to you
Please, listen to your heart

Lying is wrong
We’ve all heard it before
Don’t let this happen to you
It’s just a dirty war

Poem #1

Ok I wrote this poem in the beginning of December... so it's not that good but here goes

It's brisk and cold
While I write with little light
I sit out here
In the wake of the night
It's brisk and cold
While I write this poem for you
I sit out here
Wishing that I knew
It's brisk and cold
While I write my goodbye
so I sit out here waiting for you to walk by
It's brisk and cold
While I glance back down the road
I sit out here
Watching the evening go
It's brisk and cold
While I write with little light
I'm not sitting out here
Wasting my night


For those who don't know, I read MLIA everyday on my phone!
MLIA stands for MyLifeIsAverage.
If any of my stories get posted I'll put them up here!

GO TO THE SITE! it could just be the smartest thing you'll ever do!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This is a doodle my friend and I drew of Shaun White. Doesn't it look like him?


For Those Who Read This....
The first EVER post! Pretty exciting! right? well i guess its all how you look at it. Here I'll post all the random anything I feel someone should blog about. If you enjoy this throughout the posts send to friends, if you do not want to torture your friends, send to enemies.