Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I might want to post this soon... 15 more minutes in the day!
ok that's it.

Last Googled- .... yeah i didnt use google...
Last video- STEVE KARDYNAL DOES WARPED by Steve Kardynal

yep. exciting!!!!!!!!!


CRAP! i missed yesterday because my brother hogged the computer!
so i'll just post 2 today!!!!!!!
This post will be more... bloggish.... i guess.
Wasn't very exciting.
I went to Civic for about an hour and a half and I worked on my Scene with Jill(instructor) and Mike (scene partner) before I had to leave to almost die! i mean... Cheernastics. but its still the same thing.
Apparently I knew my lines! So thats a step up!!!!!!!!
But Cheernastics (gymnastics) was a totally different story!
Its one step forward and two steps back for me! When I got there I was shaky and I couldn't even jump! So I guess I had a panick attack? I don't know. But I felt better when I went to the bathroom and listen to Airplanes (that song calms me down and I can do my back handspring if i listen to it. dont ask why)
I didn't do as well as I would have hoped..... but there's still next week!

lets hope today brings more for the next BEDA!

last googled...... hmmmm i dont know
last ate- sushi!!
last watched on youtube- Back To LA (the future) by jasonmundaymusic

Monday, August 2, 2010


Waiting For Lefty- a short 1 act play written by Clifford Odets
Act 1, Scene 1. THAT is my scene.
OF COURSE! I always pick the wrong scene. This one is MUCH better than the last one, (though the last scene i was partnered with this really cute guy, but anyway! i'll talk about my other scene in a different post)
I, of course, am Edna, while Mike is Joe.
Its about making a union and how their lives suck because they are in poverty or something. (silly me, i don't really know)
Maybe I'll have my dad record it so that I can put it up here if I ever get the scene memorized!
I did however find it on youtube, and that helps a lot (heaps for those who talk differently.) (xP)
this post is quite boring but I felt the need to write it!
oh I'm also adding stuff at the bottom such as , what I last googled, last watched on youtube, and I'll through a 3rd in every so often!

Last Googled- Blog Every Day in August
Last saw on Youtube- Rambo Phone, Eating Healthy and Solo Album by theryanseiler

Last ate- Easy Mac

( Dear Rach,
Its your just your blog. I can comment on any other persons blog BUT YOURS!!!!
Love, Alyssa)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ok lets try this.

(Blog Every Day in August)
Let's see if I can do this. It's currently 11:40pm so I still have time for the 1st!?! right?
I'll try to blog. even if its useless seeing as I'm am only talking to you, Rach!
But let's see how this goes, alright?
yeah! OHHHHHHHHH my father said I CAN go to Oz. but that was it. *shrug* maybe one day!!!!
I'll probably put my showcase on here or something just to get it on here!
I'll have to put my monologue on here too!!

